Meditations offered by Angel Amita

Guided meditations with grounding,  silence,  mantra,  visualisation & healing 

Book a private individual or group 30 minute online meditation session with Angel Amita

Previous events…



Live Meditation at 16.15 Afternoon, 4.15 PM Lima ( Bogota) Time.


The exact time of the Equinox is 16.24 pm Lima Time. 
Equals to:  22.24 Oslo time
9.24 pm UK time
14. 24/ 2.24 pm San Francisco Time
To know your time zone:
Depending on where you are, you experience either Spring or Autumn Equinox!
How to prepare? 
  1. Make sure you can be quiet and undisturbed
  2. Set up a sacred space
  3. have a light stomach
  4. Set intentions
  5. Be on time so we can start on time.
The room opens 10 minutes before the actual equinox
Please invite friends and family!
Together we create a powerful field of high vibrations, healing, and love around the earth and for our souls and all life.
We will walk gently into the portal of the equinox with the channelings and guidance coming in for our highest good.
A recording of the meditation will be available for 24 hours.

Illustration: Josephine Wal
It is an honour and my mission to share special meditations with you! 
Forms of meditations: 
  • Guided Meditations
  • Mantra Meditations
  • Online group meditation sessions
  • Grounding Exercises
  • Individual Meditation Instructions
  • Healing Meditations
  • Free Global Peace Meditations
  • Seven Sacred Flames Meditations
  • Retreat Meditation Sessions
  • Meditations in Sacred Sites & Energy Vortexes
  • Silent Meditations
  • Hiking Meditation In Sacred Mountains
  • Sacred Union Meditation- unite and heal your inner masculine and feminine
  • & MORE
Meditations are PRACTICED OFTEN in  our retreats
You Tube Meditations- Enjoy from home!
My channel: