Our services
Created in 2014 ~
Building Bridges between the West and Peru
Mother Earth ( Madre Tierra) is a non-profit organization established in Norway by Angel June 2014. Org. nr. : 913 945 174
Mother Earth is a growing network of people from various places with a common interest in respecting our Earth Mother and living in love and community.
We wish to respect Mother Earth and take care of Her.
The charity is involved in the worldwide landhealing project started by Center For Soul Evolution in California. This project has been quietly easing humanity’s birth into a higher consciousness by transforming harmful energies propogated by humans into beneficial energies.
Besides this, another current priority and dream has been to create enough funds to buy our own land between the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu in Peru. Here we wish to create a retreat center, organic gardens, temple, and live in harmony with nature. This will be a place for awakening, conscious retreats, and a center for the tribe and a light center.
The vision for our charity is to build a conscious community with Respect For All Life.
1. Digging for ground water. The water quality in Peru is poor and it is not given a priority by the government to make sure the population has clean water; therefore we wish to support the villages and have clean water. We need about 12 000 Peruvian soles to dig for ground water for one small village.
2. Training teachers~ hosts & CREATING retreat events in various & meditation groups several places. To raise the vibration, bring in the energies of new earth, create community, create peace…
3. Teaching vegan lifestyle & love & compassion for All Creation
4. Teaching meditation, yoga & empowerment to indigenous people.
5. Tree Planting
6. Garbage Picking
7. Creating a global network of Good, Authentic, Heart centered, Service Centered Yoga & Meditation Teachers & Healers
8. Creating Organic Gardens & Self- Sufficiency
9. Creating a recycling system in the Sacred Valley
Unfortunately there is hardly any recycling system of waste in the Sacred Valley and towards the Jungle (Machu Picchu area). There is a lot of plastic, paper, and glass waste without any recycling system. We wish to create a recycling system over time.
10. Supporting Balance in Nature ~ by the world wide landhealing project & more.
~ helping to balance nature and eliminate trauma arising from war, turmoil, and natural disasters. It helps to balance the nature and bring in higher consciousness and Light. Some of us are trained in landhealing. We are volunteers who contribute to the world-wide landhealing project started by Center For Soul Evolution in Mount Shasta, USA.
There is a great need for this!
Teaching local communities
Co-operation & pressuring local councils
Compost system is very important & sustainable
Paper products can be burned
Glass bottles and jars can be reused
“Real service is the power that sustains this world. When human beings serve nature, nature serves human beings.”
~ Amma
sacredjourneysnow@gmail.com Instagram
Seva- Helping Creation - Karma Yoga- Selfless Actions
We Are The Change ~ You Are Important!~
Free Meditations For Global Healing & Creating Peace
For the Animals, For the Earth for Your Health.
Recycle and Reuse to Take care of Nature