love and compassion for all creation
Hi all,
in these times of big change
we are here to Create and Anchor in the New Earth!
To be strong pillars of light!
I am honored and excited to offer these soul offerings to support this:
Powerful healing sessions
Amazing retreats and sacred journeys
ascension guidance & channelings
yoga & meditation classes
online, free guided meditations & more!
Wishing to help people evolve, heal, be whole and connect to their hearts and souls at this time. This work helps you remember why you are here and what your soul purpose is!’We all have something unique and special to offer to the world.
Now is the time to bring our special bit to the world.
All life is sacred, so are you.
You found this at the right timing when your soul was guided to this page!
You can read more about us in the about us section
Check out social media, reviews, and this page for more info…
Love and blessings,
Angel Amita
I am motivated by Love For All Creation & Serving in My work.
You are a beacon of light on this planet
fill your heart up with unconditional love, honor yourself, love yourself, respect all creation, respect each life form, harm none, do your best, unconditional love to all
Now is the time to shine your light & remember why you came here
Explore some of the most powerful energy vortexes in the world with us explore ancient sites
soul rememberance
Remember why you chose to incarnate here during this time
Follow your dreams
Trust in your dreams! They are there for good reasons!
Follow them; and see what happens!
Your Dream. Our Mission.
Follow your inner Guidance
We are in a special time on earth where much darkness is happening and our light is strongly needed.
We are here to be that light that is needed, to walk through the shadow of the human collective and be a sovereign, creative being, remembering your purpose here and have the perspective of why you incarnated at this time and having compassion for all that are currently waking up at this time.
”remember you are a beacon of light; a medicine that heals the planet. Have compassion for all.”
Recognize what’s going on and what’s been going on for a long time.
Embrace what’s going on, and stand in it with your peace and power!
We chose to incarnate at this time. Hold the light; see it all. Not be impacted. Stay strong!

We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the change! We are pillars of truth & light! We are not here randomly during this time on earth! We chose to come here for good reasons and we will see big changes in the world.
This is the end of a 12,000-year-old era on earth, the end of a cycle. we will witness and be part of big changes. It is really important to stay grounded and strong during this time. We have come here to witness this big shift and remember our soul’s purposes.
Each one of us is important!
We are inspired by a universal love for all creation. A love that encompasses all life, love from our hearts of compassion, and love for all creation as part of the whole, as part of the creator-cosmic consciousness. An unlimited source of love is behind all life and each piece of creation plays its role.
Unconditional love for Mother Nature and the earth, all this beauty, animals and trees, mountains and all elements is behind all our work.
Love is the most powerful energy there is and this is what will take us home.
Love is the energy that binds all life together.
Love is the glue of all creation
Love is our true power and identity
Love is the power that will bring you home
and the fire of your heart that
The most healing energy in the universe