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The Akashic Records

The Holographic Archives of the Universe

The Akashic Records contain all events and responses concerning human consciousness in all realities.

The Akashic Record is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. 

The Akashic Record Library is the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived.  It contain all the lifetimes of human beings but also other life forms.
More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought and intent that has occurred at any time in the history of the world. 

Human beings have been interacting consciously and unconsciously with this body of energies throughout history. 

The Akashic Records are known by various names such as The Book of Life, Universal Mind, Collective Consciousness, Book of Memory, Halls of Knowledge, Etheric Records and Repository of Thoth, to name a few.

Akashic Readings are offered in person or via Skype.

Your Personal Akashic Records

Your personal Akashic Record is the energetic “log” of your soul’s journey, from the time your soul originated from the Source until the time when you will eventually return home. 
Your Record holds the energetic imprint of your thoughts, feelings, memories and actions and deeds experienced in each lifetime. Thus lessons and experiences are created which are necessary for each successive lifetime that will assist in your evolution.
Records are very interactive. They have a huge influence and impact on our everyday lives. This includes our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us. ( via Renee Rowe)

Angel Amita offers readings for people anywhere in the world.

Booking a reading

The Record is an experiential body of wisdom, insight, guidance, and healing information. This collective of spiritual consciousness is best revealed through a spiritual means.
Through accessing your Akashic Record you receive unique and valuable, loving soul guidance about various themes and events in your live. 
By opening the Record, we understand in a deeper way why certain things are happening, the lessons behind events, we see higher perspectives and best ways forward. 
At the same time we receive healing as we understand deeper from the level of soul, and we are blessed with the Golden Light of our Akashic Record. 
By accessing the record, we make life easier and go through lessons faster. One generally need to be 18 years of age to do a reading, and it is always with personal consent, just like healing. 

About Angel Amita

Angel Amita received a clear call to read and learn to read the Akashic Records in April 2022, and since then it has been flowing very well. She has been trained and guided. 
She has been a sensitive and intuitive soul for her whole life with psychic skills increasingly developing the last few years, after 28 years of meditation, inner work, spiritual initiations & practices, guiding others, doing fasting and more. 

Book a reading with Angel Amita

We have readings that last:
– 30-40 mins
– 50-60 mins
Pay according to heart and capability. 

As a guideline:

30-40 mins: 40 $ -100 $

50-60 mins: 55$- 100$


We meet via a video call via Skype, zoom or similar.
Once you have booked, you will receive an email with some information. 
All readings are fully confidential.
Languages: English, Norwegian & Spanish.
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Angel Amita Leuna

How to prepare for a session?

Please make sure you will be alone, relaxed, and undisturbed. It is recommended to be at home or in a private place and leave other things aside for this time.
Be hydrated and have water available.
Before the session, please think about what you would like to heal and you may write a list.
We will appoint during the booking. It depends on where you are located. Please book a session with me first.
CASH or Bank
Exchange rates: 
Rebooking: Please rebook min. 48 hours before, and 24 hours only in unexpected circumstances.
For cancellations less than 24h before, there is a 20% fee of the session cost.

Akasha is everywhere

The Akashic Record is a sacred resource that is no longer reserved for saints, scholars, and mystics. In our era of dawning individual spiritual authority, the Records are available to you today, in this moment. The collective consciousness of humanity continuously grows, evolves, and matures. 
In this time of great change, the availability of the Record is shifting. 
The light of the Spirit is pouring into human consciousness at an unprecedented rate. This light infusion is causing radical upheaval in all areas of life for the purpose of bringing us into the highest possible alignment with the Divine Reality. 
One of the great tools for the development of our consciousness is the Akashic Record.
Dr. Linda Howe

The Akashic Records Meaning

The term Akashic has its roots in the Sanskrit word “Akasha” meaning “ether” or something that’s associated with the atmosphere. 
In metaphysical teachings, Akasha is the element of magic. It is also the elemental synthesis f the four physical elements, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.
The core of the akashic records is the akashic plane, the neutral plane. It is the overall record for the universe.
The akashic plane interpenetrates the other six planes through their “local” akashic records.