Healing is so greatly needed at this time for all of you, and this is why we have opened the doors of the Great Jade Temple to assist humanity now.
It is our joy to invite you to come here in your etheric body at night, and to receive
a much greater understanding of true healing than the one you presently hold.
When you come here, we have as guides a great number of our people who are
always willing to take you “under their wings” spiritually, to assist you with your
healing of the deep traumas and sorrows of the past and the present. As you heal
your inner pain and traumas, you will also heal the difficult conditions in your
lives and your physical bodies.
External pains and difficulties are always the mirrors of inner pains and fears.
They mirror to you what needs to be healed and transformed in your
consciousness. We can assign three counselors for each of you who come here;
they can assist you with whatever is most needed for your return to wholeness.
One counselor focuses with you on your emotional body, another focuses with you
on your mental body and a third one focuses on the healing of your physical body,
all in total harmony and synchronicity. In this way, your healing becomes a more
balanced project than if you just focus on one aspect of yourself, without
understanding and transforming your internal programming. You know, when
one aspect of yourself is not in perfect balance, it affects all other aspects of your
And how does one get to the Great Jade Temple
in his or her etheric body?
By intention, my friend! What you need to do is to set your intention to come to
this temple in your meditation or before you go to sleep at night. As an example,
you may say, to your GodSelf and your guides and masters the following prayer.
“From the Lord God of my Being, I request to be taken to the Great Jade Temple in
Telos this night I now ask my guides, masters and angels to take me there as my
body rests from the activities of the day.” You may also formulate your own prayer
requests. Set your intention that you want to come here for recharging, for
purification, for healing, for counseling, or simply to have communion and
interaction with us.
We know how to take care of you once you get here. Basically, in your higher soul
body you know how to get here yourself; simply trust that it is happening, even if
you do not have any conscious recollection of your experience. It is not yet meant
to be. Your etheric body looks almost identical to your physical body except it is
more perfect. It feels as physical to you when you are here in your etheric body.
This is what you are moving toward in your future. Your transformed body will
also feel very physical to you, although it will be relieved of much density and the
frequency will be vibrating at a much higher level.
In the process of transforming your consciousness and your physical body, you
are not losing anything. You are integrating higher, more subtle vibrations and
higher light. All you will be losing is unwanted density. Your body will become
more refined, more beautiful, limitless, immortal and it will feel just as physical as
it does now, except you won’t have to experience limitation of any kind. You will
travel with the speed of thought and it is going to be a lot of fun, I promise!<3
And how does one get to the Great Jade Temple in his or her etheric body?

By intention, my friend! What you need to do is to set your intention to come to this temple in your meditation or before you go to sleep at night.
As an example, you may say, to your GodSelf and your guides and masters the following prayer. “From the Lord God of my Being, I request to be taken to the Great Jade Temple in Telos this night I now ask my guides, masters and angels to take me there as my body rests from the activities of the day.” You may also formulate your own prayer requests. Set your intention that you want to come here for recharging, for purification, for healing, for counseling, or simply to have communion and interaction with us.
We know how to take care of you once you get here. Basically, in your higher soul body you know how to get here yourself; simply trust that it is happening, even if you do not have any conscious recollection of your experience. It is not yet meant to be. Your etheric body looks almost identical to your physical body except it is more perfect. It feels as physical to you when you are here in your etheric body. This is what you are moving toward in your future. Your transformed body will also feel very physical to you, although it will be relieved of much density and the frequency will be vibrating at a higher level.
From the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia.
- (Excerpts From The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia Louise Jones)Although the replica is a bit smaller than the original temple, all the records of the energies of the “Immortal Flame of Healing” since the time of its creation were transferred here to Telos. It is still gathering momentum to this day. This awesome healing energy was never lost to this planet.Recently, however, the doors of this great temple of healing have been reopened to all who wish to visit. You are invited to come here in your etheric bodies to recharge, to purify and to learn about healing with a new level of understanding. This new dispensation is indeed a privilege that all of you on the surface can take advantage of during this great time of change and healing for humanity and for the planet.Healing is so greatly needed at this time for all of you, and this is why we have opened the doors of the Great Jade Temple to assist humanity now.It is our great pleasure to invite you to come here in your etheric body at night, and to receive a much greater understanding of true healing than the one you presently hold. When you come here, we have as guides a great number of our people who are always willing to take you “under their wings” spirituall, and assist you with your healing of the deep traumas and sorrows of the past and the present. As you heal your inner pain and traumas, you will also heal the difficult conditions in your lives and your physical bodies. External pains and difficulties are always the mirrors of inner pains and fears. They mirror to you what needs to be healed and transformed in your consciousness. We can assign three counselors for each of you who come here; they can assist you with whatever is most needed for your return to wholeness. One counselor focuses with you on your emotional body, another focuses with you on your mental body and a third one focuses on the healing of your physical body, all in total harmony and synchronicity. In this way, your healing becomes a more balanced project than if you just focus on one aspect of yourself, without understanding and transforming your internal programming. You know, when one aspect of yourself is not in perfect balance, it affects all other aspects of your being. And how does one get to the Great Jade Temple in his or her etheric body? Adama~ <3 By intention, my friend! What you need to do is to set your intention to come to this temple in your meditation or before you go to sleep at night. As an example, you may say, to your God Self and your guides and masters the following prayer. “From the Lord God of my Being, I request to be taken to the Great Jade Temple in Telos this night. I now ask my guides, masters and angels to take me there as my body rests from the activities of the day.” You may also formulate your own prayer requests. Set your intention that you want to come here for recharging, for purification, for healing, for counseling, or simply to have communion and interaction with us. What would be some of the requests that one would bring to the temple for healing that are most appropriate? Our guides will discuss with you the lessons and wisdom that needs to be understood in your consciousness, and what steps you need to take in order to assist your manifestation of permanent and true healing. Your healing can be very much compared to the peeling of a huge onion with hundreds of layers, which you will heal one by one until completion. You will then become a pure mirror of divinity, and all things will open to you, beyond your wildest dreams. Much of this work, but not all, can be done at night while your body sleeps and can later be integrated in your daily life. You don’t need to know what every fear and all past experiences are about. All you need to do is consciously release these energies, whatever they are named, and however they are felt, as they come up in your consciousness. This is the kind of work our counselors can do with you as they have access to your akashic records. They can give you much insight for your healing. In turn, you bring back this new wisdom within your subconscious, and in your waking state can start applying it. Your meditations with your Divine Presence will resurrect a greater awareness in your consciousness. Your inner work is the most important step you may want to take at this time to accelerate your evolution and to open the way for your homecoming. Our counselors at the temple will give you, at the soul level, a very broadened perspective of why you are experiencing certain health problems. They will show you why a certain difficulty is persisting in your life and how you have created it, whether it is physical, mental or emotional. With the assistance of our counselors, you will learn to heal yourself and all the pains and distortions imprinted in your soul. Before any complete and permanent physical healing can take place, the emotional causes or distortions in your belief system have to be addressed and released. I’m not referring to band-aid solutions, but a permanent healing. Know that all physical problems, even if they appear to be accidents, always have their roots in the emotional and mental bodies. Mental stress and mental illnesses also have their roots in the emotions. The emotional body is the most important area to begin with for your healing. More info: www.mslightpublishing.com

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