Meeting Amma

“Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life. If we dive deep enough into ourselves, we will find that the one thread of universal love ties all beings together. As this awareness dawns within us, peace alone will reign.” – Amma
Who Is Amma?
Mata Amritanandamayi, known as Amma, The Hugging Mother.
Where is Amma now?
Amma is currently in Her Amritapuri ashram in Kerala, India.
Due to the current global situation, Amma is not traveling to hold programs and meet people at present. Visitors also are not allowed at Amritapuri now, due to Indian Government’s restrictions related to the pandemic. Until things go back to normal, one can follow Amma’s virtual events and retreats with meditation, fasting, prayers and more.
Due to this, we do not currently arrange any tours to meet Amma. We are looking forward to be able to do so in the future! With the Grace of Paramatman!
Amma has been regularly sending messages of Love and Support to all those missing her and enduring difficult times. She repeated her eagerness to meet and hug again all of her ‘children’ very soon!
For more information:
“Like the spring travelling around the globe, Amma visits her devotees in their own cities and towns every year.”

Amma — Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
Many people wonder how a little girl from a simple South Indian village came to be known throughout the world as “Amma, the Mother of All.” Motherhood, in its ultimate sense, has nothing to do with bearing a child, but with love, compassion and selflessness. It lies in totally giving one’s self to others.
If we look at Amma’s life, this is what we see—someone who has offered her every thought, word and deed for the benefit of others. Giving is the essence. It’s just that when the homeless come crying for shelter and Amma gives them a house, we call her a “humanitarian.” And when the sorrowful come crying for emotional solace and she gives them love, we call her a “mother.” And when those thirsty for spiritual knowledge come earnestly seeking and she gives them wisdom, we call her a “guru.” This attitude of selflessly serving all creation, knowing others to be extensions of one’s own self, Amma refers to as vishwa matrutvam—universal motherhood. And it is to this pinnacle of human existence that Amma is trying to awaken the world through her life, teachings and darshan [divine embrace].
Text from:
Amma giving Darshan
Express Love Through Action
“True happiness is when the love that is within us finds expression in external activities.” – Amma